Gastroenterologist's blog

Learn all about colonoscopy and endoscopy . Treatments and professional recommendations

Gastroenterologist's blog

Gastroenterologist’s blog is a space in which I give my perspective of some of the problems or diseases of the digestive system offering to those who read information based on current scientific knowledge in a clear and simple way as if we were talking

This information should not be seen as a query but as a complement to it since not all the things that are written there are applicable to all the people. 

SIBO what can I do?

SIBO : What can I do?

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is an increase in the number of bacteria found in the small intestine. In this organ there are less than

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SIBO what can I do?

SIBO : What can I do?

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is an increase in the number of bacteria found in the small intestine. In this organ there are less than

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Mauricio González Hernández -