When you have problems with your digestion, you have fought with food and concerns appear, the Gastroenterologist is the specialist who listens to you and helps you by recommending the tests you need so that you have a diagnosis and guides you in the treatment you deserve.
Mauricio González, your Gastroenterologist in Medellín, is a surgeon from the National University of Colombia, graduated in 1998, and a specialist in Gastroenterology from the same university, graduated in 2006. He has rendered his service to renowned institutions in Medellin and Antioquia, such as the San Vicente de Rionegro Hospital. . Since 2016 it is independent in its Endoscopy and Colonoscopy Center
Cancer Colon Screening: If you turned 45 I will help you find and remove colon polyps
Barrett´s esophagus Screening: If gastroesophageal reflux has been with you for a long time, i will help you make sure everything is fine in your esophagus
Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment: With grade I to III hemorrhoid you can benefit from band ligation
Chronic diarrhea: When you have had diarrhea for more than a month
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Irritable Colon): Pain in the abdomen associated with changes in the consistency or frequency of stool
Chronic constipation: When defecation becomes a problem and alters quality of life
Gastritis: It is the inflammation of the internal part of the stomach. The main cause is infection of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria
SIBO: When there are more bacteria than normal in your small intestine, it is because something has happened to this organ and you have to do something.
Abdominal bloating or distention: It is the feeling of bloating of the abdomen accompanied or not by excessive gas
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: It is when the stomach contents are returned to the esophagus causing discomfort. There are several forms of reflux and therefore each case requires different management.