Internal Hemorrhoids band Ligation

Every time you go to the bathroom you are afraid and worried because you are bleeding or you have to insert something. You don’t want to have surgery but you don’t want to continue like this either. I help you by doing the band ligation of internal hemorrhoids. So that the bathroom can once again be a place of rest.

You will not feel anything and we will take care of you

What are internal hemorrhoids?

The anus is like a tube about three centimeters long in which there are veins called hemorrhoidal pads. These are very important to form a seal and prevent fecal matter from accidentally escaping. When the innermost veins become inflamed, irritated, and enlarged, they are called internal hemorrhoids.

They graduate according to how much they leave per year:

In grade I hemorrhoids do not come out of the anus.

In grade II they come out of the anus but hide again spontaneously.

In grade III they remain outside but can be inserted with the finger.

In grade IV, the hemorrhoids are outside the anus and cannot be re-entered.

How is the procedure performed?

Band ligation is a treatment option for grade I/II/III internal hemorrhoids with symptoms that have not improved with medical management or when you want to avoid surgery.

The procedure consists of using a disposable device attached to the tip of the endoscopy equipment to tie the hemorrhoids with special rubber bands or ties so that they dry and disappear. It is outpatient and we are going to sedate you

Schedule your appointment by calling us at 📲 3207571313 or write to us on WhatsApp here

Endoscopy and colonoscopy center in Medellín, experts in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases.

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Mauricio González Hernández -